
Try to answer yourself what you want to be in the next 10 years in your career? That will help you to anchor yourself and stay focus on what you need to do now and next. Most people are not able to answer this, but it is not hard to get the answer, it just takes time to explore as you move on.

Explore means connecting people, listen to the wisdom of people that has gone through stages of life, you might take their career path as a guide. Do not copy! Since the work world is ever changing, some jobs are then eliminated by technology and some emerge because of new needs.

Not everyone knows what they want to be for the next couple of years, so people hop on and off jobs from time to time, and it is fine to wander around as long as you understands the trade off. For example, Susan has been working in a company as a researcher for 3 years, she will be promoted if she is going to grow with the company for the next 6 months. She decided to resign from the job and took a working holiday permit to fly to New Zealand and spend about a year there. To her, it make sense to her since she understands that she a researcher as a career is not something she wanted.

Nevertheless, sharing with people your goals helps to clarify your career goal through the process. Never worried too much if it is a silly career goal, wisdom will guide you.

Be an explorer

Explorer to-do list:
  1. List down 5 jobs that you are considering.
  2. Ask people around about these jobs.
  3. Connect to a person currently working on the job you are considering.
  4. Interview them with the things you might want to know:
    1. What is the work nature like? What is the daily routine?
    2. What is the career path for this job?
    3. What is greatest achievement you can get out of this job?
    4. What is the most challenging part in this job?
    5. (You can basically ask anything you like as long as people are comfortable to give you a guide)
  5. Take some time to think about the jobs you considered earlier.
    1. If you like it? Why?
    2. If you dislike it? Why?
  6. Stay focus or explore more.

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