Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hello World!

Hi there, I am Sunny with the nickname sunnysardine since long time ago. Glad that you are reading this. For friends who have known me for ages, you might have some questions for me, else you might have even more questions to ask, so I have prepared a Q&A here:
  1. So what is this Ask Sardine (blog) all about?
    It all started just because I have a idea of writing a book to help people do some self discovery when comes to career. However, after I started, something happened. I think I need more interaction with real people (like you) to further explore the topics that I might not have explored my own and include them so that it will help more people.Hence, this blog is here to the rescue (something like the Web2.0 revolution, if you understand what that means, else  never mind to bother). I will publish my chapters as blog posts so that people can start now to help themselves instead of waiting me to complete the book, and hopefully feedback to me if it works for them.

    Table of Content:
    1. Preface
    2. Purpose
    3. Personality
    4. Interest
    5. Strength
    6. Values
    7. Opportunity
    8. Goal
    9. Resume
    10. Interview
    11. Define
    12. Blog  (where I will give my opinion based on questions from readers)

  2. Okay, so you sure you can answer my question?
    Well, I wish I can give my opinion for most of your question but that is definitely just an opinion from me. I will try my very best to provide practical opinion and tools for self discovery. Not a definite answer.
  3. How do I send you a question?
    You may send in your question
  4. Are you going to publish this book when it is ready?Yes, but I have not made my mind on what kind of platform it could be. However, if will be distributed FREE to the public.
If you still have any question, feel free to comment below or you may just send in your career questions to me now. Thank you for your attention and I wish you a successful career ahead.

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